Ad majoram Dei gloriam
"For he that singeth praise, not only praiseth, but only praiseth with gladness: he that singeth praise, not only singeth, but also loveth him of whom he singeth. In praise, there is the speaking forth of one confessing; in singing, the affection of one loving."
(St. Augustine, Commentary on Psalm 73, 1)

Latin Pieces I've Learned

Adoremus Te
Ave Maria
Ave Verum Corpus
Christus Factus Est
Dona Nobis Pacem
Jesu Redemptor
Laudate Nomen Domini
O Salutaris Hostia
O Sanctissima
Pange Lingua Gloriosa
Panis Angelicus
Salve Regina
Stabat Mater
Tantum Ergo
Veni Jesu Amor Mi
Veni Veni Emmanuel