Ad majoram Dei gloriam
"For he that singeth praise, not only praiseth, but only praiseth with gladness: he that singeth praise, not only singeth, but also loveth him of whom he singeth. In praise, there is the speaking forth of one confessing; in singing, the affection of one loving."
(St. Augustine, Commentary on Psalm 73, 1)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

no more family and youth forum

Well surprise, surprise...

The parish forum was removed due to inactivity.

Not surprising to me since every time I tried to post anything it would log me out and tell me I was a guest and had no privileges to post.  And that was even after I had worked with the guy to fix the problem! He fixed it the first time, but it happened again and I gave up on it.  I was not worth wasting my time since there were only a handful of people who were even willing to try a forum... 
